Vegetation characteristics

Sampling strategy

For each site which is assumed to be approximately 1/2 mile by 1/2 mile (1/4 section), or roughly 800 m by 800 m, three random circular sub-plots of 200 m diameter will be selected. Within each circular area, the 4 transects in cardinal directions (N, S, E, W) will be measured.

Design of the sampling geometry for SMAPVEX12 forested regions. Total length of each two-sided red arrow is 200 m.


For each transect, the following measurements will be taken:

  1. Height, DBH, and species of each tree within +/-1 m (or full arm span) of the transect line;
  2. At every 10 m interval: DBH, Diameter, # of primary branches, height from ground to base of live crown, and an estimate of the primary branch angle for the two trees closest to the transect line;
  3. At every 10 m interval: fractional ground cover and understory height within a 2 m by 2 m area (or larger).

Information on vegetation parameters, their measurement method and equipment needed to make the measurements is given in the table below. More details can be found in the experimental plan of SMAPVEX12.

Measurement types over the forest site and equipment needed for vegetation sampling

Measurement Units Measurement method, equipment required Equipment needed (required minus owned) Expected measurement error
Needle/leaf Telescoping scissors, pruning shears NEED
Length m Measuring tape Have 1 10%
Dry mass kg Oven dried, balance weighed AAFC 7%
Shape descrip. Visual identification (Wikipedia) 5%
Wet mass kg Field balance AAFC 8%
Needle/leaves density # m-3 Count/visual estimate
Branch Ladder, tree climber, scaffold, saw NEED
Branch diameter m Measuring tape (steel) Have 1 15%
Branch length m Measuring tape (steel) Have 1 8%
Dry mass kg Oven dried, balance weighed AAFC 7%
Mean angle (orientation) ° Compass; inclinometer/altimeter Have 1 15%
Primary branch density # m-3 Count 10%
Secondary branch density # m-3 Count/visual estimate 20%
Wet mass kg Clippers, field balance NEED 8%
Ground to canopy height (trunk height) m Laser altimeter, hypsometer* Have 1 7%
Tree height m Laser altimeter, hypsometer* Have 1 10%
Upper stem diameter (?) m Ruler Have 1 10%
Diameter at breast height (1.3 m, DBH) m DBH tape; tree caliper; Biltmore stick (?) Have 1 4%
Dielectric constant (trunk, branches, leaves/needles) kg m-2 Dielectric constant probe Have 1 (under development) ?
Species identification Name Visual identification (field guide) "Trees of the Northern United States and Canada" by John Laird Farrar 2%
Stem dry wood density kg m-3 Stem corer (Bark gauge?); increment borer; oven dried, balance weighed Have 5%
Understory (shrubs, herbs, mosses, lichens)
Dry mass (non-partitioned) kg Clippers; pruning shears; oven dried, balance weighed NEED clippers 15%
Wet mass (non-partitioned) kg Clippers, field balance NEED clippers, field balance (AAFC) 7%
Fractional understory vegetation cover m2 m-2 (percentage?) Quadrat; count/visual estimate NEED 10%
Species identification Name Visual identification 5%
Litter depth m Spade, measuring tape (steel); measuring pole Have
Fractional vegetation cover m2 m-2 (percentage?) Quadrat, balance, scope, visual ID, densitometer* NEED 8%
Leaf area index (LAI) m2 m-2 LAI-2000 AAFC (2) 12%
Fractional necromass cover m2 m-2 (percentage?) Quadrat, densitometer* NEED 10%
Stem density # m-2 Count 7%
